Retrenchment checklist for employees
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many businesses are struggling to survive and are retrenching employees. Often employees do not know what they need to do before exiting the organisation. Here is a 17 point checklist to make sure that when you leave the organisation that all goes smoothly, and with minimal stress. Employee checklist […]
Some considerations before retrenching during the COVID pandemic
We are all fatigued by the pandemic; and the impact will be felt for many months and years to come. There is no crystal ball to tell us when the economy will recover. I have been asked the question: how do we retrench some of our employees? Before considering retrenchment, we need to look at […]
Achieve the best results while working from home during COVID-19
The COVID pandemic has changed the way we conduct business and the way we work. Many of us now have to work from home and this has its own set of challenges. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best results. Have a dedicated space for work that is free of interruptions from […]